Do Couples Choose Divorce When They Are Empty Nesters?

Empty nesters often choose divorce when coping with the situation. Parents often feel lonely and sad after their children leave for college or work. This may lead to disagreements between the couple. A mediation divorce lawyer will guide you if you notice incompatibility issues with your partner after your children leave. But what can be the reason behind such a divorce? Let’s discuss.

Unstable foundation:

Mostly, people think couples head to an empty nest divorce when the last child leaves home. However, a lot goes into the bond before this situation. If you are worried about how you ended up in this situation, consider your situation before having kids. Were you confused about having children? Did you have enough time to get to know each other before becoming parents? If you were not on the same page before having kids, there may have been issues with the foundation for a long time.

mediation divorce lawyer

Marital neglect:

Sometimes, it becomes difficult to connect with your partner during a long marriage. Life has become busier for everyone. Were you spending enough time alone with your partner during all these years? Did you prioritize vacations, dates, etc.? Were you always with your kids? Sometimes, couples do not prioritize going out on dates, and this affects their bond in the long run. This may impact your relationship, and you may want to separate eventually. 

Staying together for kids:

Couples continue an unfulfilling marriage when they have kids to take care of. Kids become the glue between the couple. However, as the issues keep growing, you may want to separate from your partner. Sometimes, you may avoid the problems and let your kids live peacefully. However, when all your children move out, you may notice the issues crawl back. When there is no reason to continue the marriage, you should contact a mediation divorce lawyer

Different attitudes:

The couple with an empty nest may have different attitudes about the current situation. One of you may want to try new things, while the other may still be sad about the kids leaving. You may have completely different views about the scenario. You may have different attitudes about the independence you have achieved. One of you may want to enjoy vacations together, while the other may not be as enthusiastic about stepping out. 

If you are looking for a mediation divorce lawyer, check out Rosenak Family Law. We will help you with all kinds of divorces, including an empty nest divorce.

Contact us to learn more!

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